Self-funded health plans face numerous cost pressures such as inflation, greater chronic care incidence, and sharply increased utilization. They are increasingly demanding transparency and greater accountability for cost containment from their benefit administrators. You need to ensure that their medical claims are paid accurately and appropriately while lowering your administrative cost to do so.
of Cotiviti health plan clients with self-funded business are already integrating prepay final filter editing with self-insured employer groups
With proven experience serving benefit administration companies covering nearly 6 million member lives, Cotiviti adds an extra layer of payment integrity for your clients that claim systems and primary claim editors are not designed to handle. Our market-leading prepay Payment Policy Management and Coding Validation solutions deliver software-as-a-service (SaaS) claim editing technology and clinical claim coding review through a consultative service model with TPAs.
This approach ensures the accuracy of claim payments for plan sponsors while reducing TPA technical and clinical resource needs without disrupting current adjudication workflow or delaying payment to providers. It also makes your service more attractive to self-funded plan sponsors and gives your organization an advantage over competing TPAs.
This model offers guidance and support through the process of data-driven policy assessment, selection, customization and maintenance. We also provide full program transparency through ad-hoc reports and insights generated from our analytics team to support payment policy approval, reduce administrative burden and understand provider and claim trends.
in annual prepay medical cost savings delivered across health plan and TPA clients1
average editing accuracy2
or more in incremental medical spend savings3 for plan sponsors
1 Based on Cotiviti health plan clients deploying Payment Policy Management in ASO lines of business.
2 Based on savings across all Cotiviti Payment Policy Management and Coding Validation clients.
3 Based on high annual savings rates for many Cotiviti payer clients using Payment Policy Management and Coding Validation, including health plan-owned third party administrators.